… of texts about Yoga
There are really good books about Yoga—many of them in English. It is much more comfortable to immerse in such specific and deep themes like philosophy and anatomy in your native language. However it is quite challenging to strike the right note in translating the given meaning and beauty of the original while keeping its flavour.
Hajo Normann and I have translated »Tantra Illuminated« by Hareesh Christopher Wallis into German: »Licht auf Tantra«. It has been a great honor and pleasure for me to translate this great work into my language. May it find its way into the world, serve the truth, be successful, and bring everyone who wants to deal with it a little further on the path. The book is published by O.W.Barth.
Our German translation of Hareeshs »Near Enemies of the Truth« will be published in 2025.
Nicole Konrad and I offer a free lecture series in German with topics from the book.
Yoga is my profession and my passion. I am happy to combine my knowledge as a designer with my passion for language and my deep love for Yoga and Yoga philosophics.
I translated and produced the following publications into german:
- »Toxic Spirituality«, Hareesh Christopher Wallis (translation by Brigitte Heinz and Hajo Norman)
- »Licht auf Tantra«, Hareesh Christopher Wallis (translation by Hajo Norman and me, layout and typesetting by me)
- Testimonials for our Yoga book »Yoga für jeden Körper«, (typesetting and layout by me)
- The Website of my dear colleague Leigh Ann Kittell (
- »Der leichte Weg zur Erleuchtung« (The easy way to enlightenment) by Leigh Ann Kittel
- Yoga Philosophy posts, by courtesy of Hareesh Christopher D. Wallis
- »Die Gabe Frau zu sein« The gift of Womanhood by Guru Rattana, (typesetting by me)
- Anusara Immersion Manual – Handbuch zur Vertiefung von Anusara Yoga (The current version has been revised and is not my responsibility)
- Anusara Teacher Training Manual – Anusara Lehrer Handbuch (now revised)